Undercover university researchers, indulging in a little ‘mystery’ shopping to test industry attitudes and the barriers that remain to the widespread adoption of new technologies. In this case, the attitude of the sales staff — largely driven by them not knowing as much about the electric models — was hugely influential. The study analysis suggests that it is the most important predictor of the likelihood that a customer will leave having bought an electric car — which the researchers calculated was a dismal 0% in many of the cities they visited.
Why would car sales staff make it so difficult for customers to buy a car? Because they want them to buy a different kind of car. As the researchers point out, dealers “strongly oriented customers towards petrol and diesel vehicle options” on sale alongside the electric versions. And that behaviour is typical. The researchers argue that the attitude “mirrors industry and government favouritism towards conventional cars”.
Do you believe these findings or is there a hidden agenda behind this survey?
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