Recently clicking through Autocar's website, I stumbled upon a piece by one of the magazine's top writers. Unlike a normal write up though this one was different.

It was pure editorial.

Rather than take a "just the facts, ma'am," approach, this is Matt Prior's thoughts on social media and car culture. And, damn it, won't you know it? He just might be onto something.

In his essay, essentially what he's getting at is how social media promotes activities. That's not a bad thing; however, it does turn sour when those activities are on the annoying or dangerous side of the spectrum.

Just about every day I see someone doing something incredibly stupid with an automobile. Or, you find yet another collection of crash photos/video with sports cars getting cracked up. Clearly, I am not the only one any more.

So, I've got to ask: Is Matt Prior onto something? Has social media RUINED the car scene?

Read his full piece by clicking "Read Article," below.

...But I’ve seen so much more that makes me despair. Maybe it’s a Ford Mustang crashing coming out of a cars-and-coffee meet. Perhaps it’s a Lamborghini haring down a shopping street at 60mph. Two LaFerraris racing from a set of traffic lights on the road. A fully grown, superficially normal-looking adult near a French motor race, jumping like an excited toddler, boozed-up and spraying an unknown liquid (eeiuu) into a passing open-topped sports car whose owner doesn’t want to do a burnout. Or it’s someone just revving, and revving, and revving, a stationary supercar, inane grin on face, noise annoying bystanders, both car and owner saying: look at me, look at what I have, look at what I can do.

It is, in short, people being very, very annoying...

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Is Social Media RUINING The Car Scene? One Writer Thinks So. You?

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