Let's get down to brass tacks, Spies. It was a rough week for General Motors.

After a slew of bad news and hearing retorts from the President of the United States, it seems that once the 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show kicked off things calmed down. In other words, there weren't any more plant closures or announcements of lay offs.

Los Angeles Auto Show

I would consider that good news.

Leafing through the 2018 Los Angeles Auto Show photo gallery, I was seeking something new and interesting from GM. And, won't you know it, we got you covered.

Officially revealed in September, the all-new, 2019 Blazer was seen in the flesh by us for the first time. After examining the vehicle thoroughly, I just couldn't help but wonder after this week's news: Is THIS more of what GM needs to be doing in order to WIN buyer's attention?

What say you, Spies?

Los Angeles Auto Show

#LAAutoShow: Get A Load Of The All-new Chevrolet Blazer — Is THIS What GM Needs MORE Of To WIN?

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