Back in the late 1970s, Lamborghini embarked on a project unlike any other in the company’s history. In an unlikely move, the Italian sportscar manufacturer decided to try its hand at producing a light duty military vehicle similar to the AM General Humvee. Three prototypes – the Cheetah, the LM001, and LMA001 – were produced from the effort, but the rear-engined brutes never found favor with government buyers, and the project was eventually shelved.
Keen for a return on the investment, Lamborghini decided to change tack, taking the utilitarian chassis of the LMA001 and mating it to the V12 engine and five-speed gearbox from the Countach supercar to create the civilian-market LM002. Known colloquially as the “Rambo Lambo,” roughly 300 of these beasts produced in total between 1986 and 1993.
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