As a former hockey player and someone who lived in Canada for a number of years, memories of the great white north always warm my heart.

I still have many friends living in Canada that I'm still close with.

And my fondest memories are winter memories. So when I saw this video it reminded me of those snowy, blustery days but this kicked them up a notch.

Submitted for your viewing pleasure...Check this awesome street tow insanity that was shot in the birthplace of La Poutine. Yes, LA Poutine. Pronounced 'LAH POO-TIN', not POO-TEEN! C'mon, USA, learn how to say it right! ;)

And while you're practicing your french pronunciation skills marvel at this thing of beauty. Les Canadiens SONT-LA!

Montrealer's FTW! Bet You've NEVER Seen A City Bus In Winter Towed Like THIS!

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