It's unbelievable what inquiring minds can uncover.

According to an Acurazine forum user "rdx.god," they stumbled upon an amazing find. While looking through images from software onboard a current-gen RDX, it seems an owner hit the jackpot.

That's because the RDX's current software has images of the 2021 MDX on it. Also, there's a mystery sedan that I would guess will replace the current-gen TLX.


This has become an emerging trend. As infotainment displays get more sophisticated and show images of your vehicle or of a placeholder vehicle, sometimes the automakers reveal a bit too much. This instance is particularly unique since the easter eggs are actually of other products in the pipeline.

So, behold the 2021 MDX and Acura's latest mystery sedan.

**See the FULL collection of images via the link below.

...I was digging around images in the package located on the RDX, loaded it into android developer toolkit, and low and behold, they have had images of the unreleased 2021 MDX on our RDX this whole time.

It is definitely different then what is currently released, and it fits the look of what they have leaked so far but with covers over the car.

I do not think Acura meant for any of us to see this quite yet. Feast your eyes on the 2021 MDX, you are the first to see it, sorry to spoil the fun Acura...

Also I can tell some of the new features that are possibly going to be released from other images in this file.

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LEAKED! The 2021 Acura MDX Gets FULLY EXPOSED And An All-new Mystery Sedan Is REVEALED For The FIRST Time...

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