It's been quite a week of vitriol flowing all over the internet. And we're not just talking about the riots, looting, churches burning, Trump being Trump, etc.
But it's ALSO happening in the car world. As you know BMW debuted the 2021 4-Series this week and let's just say people aren't exactly crazy about the face with its new GINORMOUS grill.
Comments like bucktooth and much worse have been racing around the interwebs.
Some have even said if you put a USA plate on the front it looks like Hitler wearing his mustache.
2021 BMW 4-Series Photo Gallery
For me, it doesn't bother me either way seeing it's not a car I would buy. What bothers me more is how to my eye it looks like they copied a rubbish Infiniti Coupe. Can't go much lower than that.
So in the midst of all this furor being flung there are always the optimists who chime in saying let's wait for the 'M' Version before we judge it!
So here it is friends. Spied naked on the streets...And there's a pretty good chance this is real.

2021 BMW 4-Series Photo Gallery
So YOU be the judges...