Agent009 submitted on 9/30/2010 Auto Spies Photos Timestamp: 9:41:08 AM
Views : 18,736 | Category: New Cars | Source:
OK, so your techno oriented friends are telling you about the impending doom of the iPhone and that Android will be the king of the hill.Don't tell that to BMW because they have raised the bar to a new start when it comes to iPhone integration. Take a look at the shots of the integration on the X3 from phone, music and GPS, seamlessly integrated entirely replacing the NAV screen built into the vehicle.So when those techno guys tell you, with it's open source nature, number of carriers and a variety of form factors that Android will be the dominant platform in the phone market. You can fire right back that very "advantages" will keep those devices out full scale automotive integration. There are simply too many variables and form factors for any automaker to do anything other a basic Android integration. 2010 Paris Motor Show Photo GallerySaab Factory Photo Gallery2011 Toyota Highlander Photo Gallery2012 Range Rover Evoque Photo GalleryBMW Paris Preview Photo Photo GalleriesIf you want to see your photos running on our homepage photo ticker, be sure to upload your photos on the go by sending them to Share on Facebook
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"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."— Agent009 (View Profile)
"Normal is an illusion. What's normal for the spider is chaos for the fly."
— Agent009 (View Profile)
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