A group of heroes, including a high school student and strangers, sprang into action to rescue an elderly man and his beloved pet after his car broke through the ice on an Iowa lake. Footage captured by a drone shows the dramatic rescue.
Thomas Lee, 83, and his 6-year-old dog Cooper were on their way to his son-in-law's fishing hut when their Jeep suddenly crashed into the freezing waters of East Okoboji Lake in Dickinson County. The incident occurred around 3 PM on Saturday, according to The Des Moines Register.
Joe Salmon, a 17-year-old high school student who was ice-fishing with his mother and watching snowmobile races nearby, quickly called 911 and without hesitation jumped into the water to help as the vehicle began to sink.
Four other heroes, Corey McConnell, 30; Kody Harrelson, 26; Cody Chester, 27; and Chris Parks, 27, joined Joe in the rescue effort and successfully pulled the man and his dog to safety. The Dickinson County Sheriff's Office recognized their bravery and selflessness.
We don't know many or ANY 17-year-old kids who are this heroic.
Honorary Spies FOR LIFE. Hats Off!!! Wow!