When it comes to anything automobile related, it's OK to be a bit hesitant and untrusting of some people's opinions. Just because folks have bought a lot of cars or had work done on a lot of their vehicles, it doesn't make them an expert.

Not that I am saying I do know it all. It's a tough business, if I am honest.

So, what about the person who sells you a vehicle? There's a reason why many people profoundly hate buying a new car — it sucks. In addition, it is typically a household's second-largest purchase, so, it is an important decision. When you have an individual trying to take you for a ride, it certainly does not help the purchasing process along. Car salesperson stereotypes exist for a reason.

And how about your service advisor? While simply acquiring a vehicle can be painful enough, many times these service advisors are not any better. That's because they're low-key pushy and it's been well documented that service centers can add repair costs to line their respective pockets.

Having said that, we were just a wee bit curious: Who do YOU trust LESS? Your salesperson or the service advisor?

The GREAT Debate: Who Do You Trust LESS? Your Salesperson Or Your Service Advisor?

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